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Matt Brennan
Matt Brennan | Vice President, Engineering, Civis Analytics

We heard you and we’re thrilled to announce an enhancement to the Civis Analytics Platform experience: the introduction of a dedicated dbt (data build tool) job type. Data practitioners who love dbt can now integrate dbt jobs seamlessly with their existing Civis workflows.

What is dbt?

Historically, analytics engineers have managed and orchestrated dozens of separate individual SQL scripts, which are often difficult to point to different schemas and run in different environments. Development is done against production data, resulting in errors and delayed deliverables to stakeholders. Without a standard way to write data tests, errors can go unnoticed. 

dbt solves these problems for analytics engineers, by consolidating these functions into a single data build tool pipeline. dbt is an open-source, SQL-based transformation tool, which allows for collaborative development and deployment of analytics code. It follows top software engineering practices like modular design, portability, consistent testing, and robust documentation. Its use has become industry standard for data teams, including many Civis customers and our own in-house data engineers. 

We’re excited to bring this capability into existing Civis Platform workflows

dbt+Civis: powerful collaboration and automation

Our new dbt capability continues to expand Civis Analytics as the all-in-one enterprise data warehousing solution. By bringing the power of dbt into Platform, our users can now seamlessly orchestrate all stages of ELT pipelines, combining imports, dbt pipelines, and enhancement scripts, all in a single platform.

dbt is run securely in the user’s own Civis environment, without requiring additional subscription services. Users can implement trusted industry standards on how to build and manage their data by using dbt pipelines all through the Civis Analytics Platform.  

The dbt job type provides the following benefits:

  1. Orchestrate more than just SQL: Civis Platform users can now automate dbt jobs or quickly add dbt jobs directly to their workflows, eliminating additional steps of managing transformations separately.
  2. Streamlined Data Transformation: Integrating dbt directly into the Civis Analytics Platform means users can now manage data transformation processes more efficiently. No more switching between tools or platforms.
  3. Built for users of all levels: Our goal with this new feature is to make running dbt commands straightforward for our users. Users can execute dbt jobs directly from the Civis Analytics UI, via the API, or included in workflows. Users can either leverage an automatically-generated profile to connect to their warehouse, or fully customize their profile to access advanced features.
  4. Hosted, shareable documentation: Modern data pipelines are difficult to wrap one’s head around, much less explain to stakeholders. Civis’s dbt feature automatically creates documentation of the user’s dbt pipeline, storing it in a single report that can be reviewed and shared among team members or used for discussion with stakeholders.

Getting Started

To leverage the new dbt job type, simply navigate to the Code section in the Top Navigation on Platform and select dbt. From there, users can connect dbt with their existing database credentials and configure the desired commands to execute. The streamlined interface guides users through each step, ensuring a smooth setup and execution process. For more information utilize the documentation.

Civis Analytics is committed to supporting tools which data scientists love and ensuring that our Platform remains at the forefront of data science technology. Our new dbt job type is designed to provide users with greater flexibility, efficiency, and control over data transformation tasks. We’re excited to see how this new dbt job type will transform your data workflows, making our user’s analytics engineering more powerful and efficient. With Civis Analytics, data transformation is always in good hands!

A person from behind works on a computer with data displayed in chart form

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If you’re excited about sharing more of the data that is driving your work with your stakeholders, we invite you to reach out to our team of experts. Let us guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and help you create and share your services.

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