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Concern For Climate Change Is Heating Up Across America

Download the eBook Work Email* First Name* Last Name* Please leave this field empty. It’s hard to ignore the increasing reality of climate change in each of our lives. Front…

Supercharging Revenue and Relationships Through Dynamic Data Governance

Data Governance: a broad, boring-sounding term that can cover just about anything — legal compliance, security checklists, data audit trails. But in reality, data governance is about having a data strategy that improves how you engage with your donors.

How Our Civis Platform Data Workbench Evolved in 2022 — and What’s Ahead for 2023

Civis Analytics never stops working to improve Civis Platform, our flagship all-in-one data warehouse and analytics engine. With 2022 winding down and 2023 on the horizon, what better time to…

Blog Article
Drive better audience insights in 2023 using Civis Platform

Whether you’re a veteran Platform user or just interested to learn more about some of our more advanced Platform tips and tricks, be sure to tune in! Unlock more value from your data through new Civis Platform updates — we’ve been hard at work implementing feature improvements, strengthening integrations, and rolling out new products in Civis Platform.

Blog Post
How Inflation Will Impact Nonprofit Donations During the 2022 Holiday Giving Season

With inflation at its highest rate in decades, we polled Americans from all walks of life to explore how economic pressures will impact nonprofit giving during the 2022 holiday season.

Research Report
Bipartisan Messaging Q&A Part 2

The Bail Project, a national nonprofit that provides no-cost bail assistance and pretrial support services for low-income individuals, has proven unusually successful at delivering persuasive messages across political lines, even…

Blog Article
How Civis Platform Transformed PMI’s Data to Boost the Fight Against Malaria

THE PROBLEM Photo by Moses Senesie, MOHS, March 2021 The U.S.President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), a U.S. government initiative created to dramatically reduce malaria deaths and illnesses across sub-Saharan Africa, set…

Blog Post
Protected: Nonprofit Partners Impact Survey
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Research Report
Filling in the Data Gaps of At-Home COVID-19 Testing

Publicly-available data on COVID-19 case counts and positivity rates might not be as accurate with the prevalence and use of at-home test kits. Civis's own Ryan Jewell went to find out if a data gap exists and how to fill it with survey data.

Research Report
Fully Utilize Data to Give IIJA Funding Applications a Boost

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) allocates billions of dollars for state and local governments as they strive to close the digital divide. Though each state is promised at least $100 million, additional money will be distributed based on a complicated series of calculations and other information that applicants submit. Including all possible helpful data can give agencies a boost as they seek to unlock IIJA funding.

Finding Your Next Supporter: How to Use Your Data to Grow Your Base

Like every nonprofit, you need to grow and diversify your base of support to ensure you’re able to continue your mission-driven work, both now and in the future. This is easier said than done, but the organizations that get it right in 2022 — by utilizing a thoughtful blend of data science and technology, and asking the right questions — will reap the rewards.

How For Our Future Uses Civis Platform’s Query Tool to Define and Refine Voter Outreach Success

The Challenge For Our Future Action Fund organizes and mobilizes voters the old-fashioned way: through grassroots, one-on-one engagement.   The nonprofit builds progressive power through voter engagement and community organizing to…

Case Study
How Civis Platform Centralized NRDC’s Data and Galvanized Supporter Insights

The Challenge The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a national membership-driven organization dedicated to fighting climate change was struggling to connect with its millions of supporters — and data silos…

Case Study
Data-driven Best Practices for Nonprofit Donor Management

Building a cohesive strategy for donor management isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be painful either. Success really comes down to two things:  Knowing who you’re talking to Knowing how…

Blog Article
How national surveys can be an essential resource to your organization

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to speak to leaders at nonprofits and social good organizations — individuals with a relentless drive to shed light on important issues…

Blog Post
Discover Your Community’s Path to Overcoming the Digital Divide

For all the talk of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in the data science world today, curious and motivated people are still the most important component of a successful team. But building a team full of these bright people is much easier said than done. In this on-demand session, we’ll take a look at the composition of a best-in-class data science team, and help you understand how to build out the function in your organization.

Blog Post
New ‘digital equity’ data, mapping tools opened to state and local agencies

How Digital Inclusion Officials Are Closing the Digital Divide in America’s Biggest Cities

Summary: Digital inclusion — ensuring that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of critical information and communication technologies — is one of the…

Blog Article

Our Method. Your Mission. Let’s Collaborate.

You have a unique audience to reach. Let’s make sure your message gets the engagement it deserves. That’s the heart of our method.