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Supercharging Revenue and Relationships Through Dynamic Data Governance

Data Governance: a broad, boring-sounding term that can cover just about anything — legal compliance, security checklists, data audit trails. But in reality, data governance is about having a data strategy that improves how you engage with your donors.

Why Demographic Models Are Essential to Understanding and Reaching Key Audiences

Election results come down to two factors — which individuals will vote, and whom they will vote for — resulting in two parallel objectives for political advocacy groups and campaigns. …

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Nonprofit Data Transformation

Nonprofits often struggle on their journey to become data-driven. Here are the common reasons why — and a better, more tailored way forward. Membership nonprofits have always faced unique challenges…

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Using Data to Overcome the Digital Divide

The digital divide — the gulf between communities with ready access to modern information and communications technologies, and those without — impacts millions of Americans spanning generations, demographics, and geographies. Civis's solution to bridging the digital divide is the DEIC — a suite of modeled and curated data to help understand the issue through the lenses of: affordability, accessibility, and adoption.

How Our Civis Platform Data Workbench Evolved in 2022 — and What’s Ahead for 2023

Civis Analytics never stops working to improve Civis Platform, our flagship all-in-one data warehouse and analytics engine. With 2022 winding down and 2023 on the horizon, what better time to…

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Drive better audience insights in 2023 using Civis Platform

Whether you’re a veteran Platform user or just interested to learn more about some of our more advanced Platform tips and tricks, be sure to tune in! Unlock more value from your data through new Civis Platform updates — we’ve been hard at work implementing feature improvements, strengthening integrations, and rolling out new products in Civis Platform.

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How For Our Future Uses Civis Platform’s Query Tool to Define and Refine Voter Outreach Success

The Challenge For Our Future Action Fund organizes and mobilizes voters the old-fashioned way: through grassroots, one-on-one engagement.   The nonprofit builds progressive power through voter engagement and community organizing to…

Case Study
How nonprofits can elevate market segmentation strategies with data science

Market segments are crucial to any data-driven campaign effort: whether it’s direct marketing, fundraising, relationship building, or a product launch, segmentation ensures that the right messages get to the right individuals, and in just the right way. Many nonprofits already understand the importance of segmentation. But what they often don’t realize is there are cutting-edge approaches available that significantly upgrade their existing segmentation strategies.

Research Report
How data infrastructure investment transforms member-driven organizations

While data is an increasingly vital tool for member-driven organizations, too many of these groups are stymied by CRM systems that fail to deliver the features and functionality required to…

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How Civis Platform Centralized NRDC’s Data and Galvanized Supporter Insights

The Challenge The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a national membership-driven organization dedicated to fighting climate change was struggling to connect with its millions of supporters — and data silos…

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Data-driven Best Practices for Nonprofit Donor Management

Building a cohesive strategy for donor management isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be painful either. Success really comes down to two things:  Knowing who you’re talking to Knowing how…

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Discover Your Community’s Path to Overcoming the Digital Divide

For all the talk of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in the data science world today, curious and motivated people are still the most important component of a successful team. But building a team full of these bright people is much easier said than done. In this on-demand session, we’ll take a look at the composition of a best-in-class data science team, and help you understand how to build out the function in your organization.

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New ‘digital equity’ data, mapping tools opened to state and local agencies

How to Create an Analytics Tech Stack That Maximizes the Value of Your Organization’s Data

The modern analytics tech stack features a range of software tools to help nonprofit, advocacy, and political organizations better leverage the data they collect and make more informed, data-driven decisions.…

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The Forest, The Trees, and the Guiding Star: How a CRM Helps — and Doesn’t Help — Your Nonprofit’s Data Journey

Implementing a constituent relationship management (CRM) tool, or migrating to a new platform, is one of the most important steps a data-driven nonprofit can take. The CRM is a mission-critical piece of technology, and for many nonprofits, it’s the cornerstone of their engagement tech stack. But is your CRM alone enough to turn your data into analytical insights? Developing a true 360-degree view of your supporters and executing analytics-powered campaigns often requires an array of technology and expertise that goes far beyond the CRM. When nonprofits rely on this tool to be all things to all people, it can lead to frustrated users, technical debt, and an incomplete picture of your donors and supporters.

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How Digital Inclusion Officials Are Closing the Digital Divide in America’s Biggest Cities

Summary: Digital inclusion — ensuring that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of critical information and communication technologies — is one of the…

Blog Article
How Data Science Gives Small and Midsize Brands a Competitive Edge Against Big Brands

Blog Post
How Government Can Use Better Outreach to Aid Constituents

Note: An earlier version of this article was published on The $46.5 billion Emergency Rental Assistance program — created to assist U.S. households unable to pay rent or utilities…

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Our Method. Your Mission. Let’s Collaborate.

You have a unique audience to reach. Let’s make sure your message gets the engagement it deserves. That’s the heart of our method.