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Concern For Climate Change Is Heating Up Across America

Download the eBook Work Email* First Name* Last Name* Please leave this field empty. It’s hard to ignore the increasing reality of climate change in each of our lives. Front…

Driving Donor Diversity Through Data Science

Download the eBook Work Email* First Name* Last Name* Please leave this field empty. In today’s challenging fundraising climate, nonprofits cannot afford to hold the same annual events and engage…

Nonprofit Data Transformation

Nonprofits often struggle on their journey to become data-driven. Here are the common reasons why — and a better, more tailored way forward. Membership nonprofits have always faced unique challenges…

Establishing a Data-driven Decision Making Culture for Your Workplace

The foundation of a successful and efficient data-driven culture lies in the data itself — consolidating and cleaning it, making it securely available to all relevant stakeholders, and ensuring its insights are accurate, actionable, and readily accessible to the decision makers steering the organization’s future. Many continue to grapple with this digital transformation, however: in fact, only one in four organizations has established a truly data-driven environment.

Learn how data powers the personalized loyalty programs QSR customers demand

The Civis Analytics eBook Made to Order: How Data Drives the Personalized Loyalty Rewards Programs QSR Customers Crave explores the foundations and must-have features of a data-driven, personalization-focused loyalty program that benefits QSR customers and brands alike.


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You have a unique audience to reach. Let’s make sure your message gets the engagement it deserves. That’s the heart of our method.