Access the Analysis Work Email* First Name* Last Name* Please leave this field empty. Civis Analytics recently surveyed ~2,000 Americans in order to better understand what donors are planning for…
In today’s challenging fundraising climate, nonprofits cannot afford to hold the same annual events and engage the same donor types over and over. Remaining relevant means cultivating and engaging a supporter base as diverse and as far-reaching as the population your programs and initiatives serve, as well as diversifying the communications tools and channels you use to connect and even how you ask people to give.
Most, if not all, nonprofits have amassed large volumes of first-person data about their donors — information these supporters have chosen to share with the causes they care about most. All this information gets to the heart of building more diverse audiences and revenue streams, but accessing it depends on an even more elemental question: How do we leverage our data to understand our segments better?
To maintain the health of an organization, especially in tough economic times, nonprofits have to leverage insights to better connect with their donors. Download the eBook “Driving Donor Diversity Through Data Science: How Nonprofits Can Leverage Data Insights to Engage a New World of Supporters” to explore: