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    Civis Analytics’ Creative Focus online message testing tool empowers political campaigns to scale the best possible ads they can air given the context of their races, utilizing randomized control trial experiments to precisely quantify an ad’s persuasiveness among key audience subgroups.


    Access the report to find out:

    1. Which ads were most effective? 
    2. Who was most persuaded? 
    3. Which Democratic Senate Ads were most effective?

    About Civis Analytics

    At Civis, we take a science-first approach to solving business problems using person-level data. With a blend of proprietary technology and statistical advisory services, we help public and private sector organizations find, understand, and connect with the people they care about, so they can stop guessing and start using statistical proof to guide decisions. We know others use “data science” and “analytics” as buzzwords, but at Civis we don’t stand for fluff, and we will always deliver scalable products and technologies — not PowerPoints — to drive your business forward.